Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Drawing Lightning in Indesign

I live in the Mac Lab  . . .

So yesterday I was in the mac lab from 11 am to 8:40 pm. There was a little 15 minute lunch break in there but that is besides the point. It started with Desktop publishing, then 3 hours of Graphic Design 2 and finished with 4 and 1/2 more hours working on Graphic design homework.

A friend told me that she couldn't ever sit still that long and that is usually very true for me too. This time, however, I was having fun. I was drawing lightning in Indesign. I should let you know that this lightning is for the book cover project I am working on in Graphic Design right now. I am creating a Frankenstein cover so I wanted lightning in the background.

I started by looking at images on the google so my lightning looked realistic and not just a jagged line. I used the pencil tool to draw my lightning. Then I spent at least two hours duplicating, resizing, changing stroke weight and editing specific points  to create my lightning that now wraps around the entire cover and changes color spark through the text.

I will put up a picture when I finish my other two covers, Dracula and Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, because unfortunately they are not finished since I spent so much time drawing the lightning. I think it was worth it though :)

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