Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Business Card

For my business card design, I immediately wanted to design a two-sided card. I thought of it as the two sides to my brand, farmer vs designer. I edited my name logo so there was just one with the barn and one with the silo.

Then I laid the designs out on each side of a business card so you could get the flip back and forth between farmer Cathy and designer Cathy. I like this card a lot because I think the flipping back and forth between sides works well. I also worked in little designs off the C and Y. The plant on the C represents growth from the farm background. The light and stoplight design on the Y represents, light ideas, and stoplight, bottom light is green and it is lit, green means go aka I am always moving forward and an over achiever.


  1. you did it well...i wish to keep it in mind and will use it for the design of Metal business cards..thanks for sharing.

  2. What a great card. This will also help me in designing my plastic business cards. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Nice tutorial, I will definitely use it in my business Plastic card Printing
